Lord Crimson

Wisdom from the Realm

Archive for November 2008

Election 2008

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I wonder how long it will take the Obama voters to notice that his ideas of change are completely different from theirs.

Written by Lord Crimson

November 5, 2008 at 9:54 pm

Obama Is No Robin Hood

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The time has finally arrived when we will discover if our nation is to remain a Republic or will sink further into Socialism. The polls have tightened as the candidates deliver one final plea for our vote. The partisan news media continue in their quest to manipulate thought and push for the Obamanation.

This weekend, several news pundits treated us to an explanation of the Obama tax plan. Each compared it to Robin Hood’s mission to take from the rich and give to the poor. It’s clear that the lessons from the movie version or the writings of Howard Pyle were lost in politics.

The misleading spin Democrats place on this classic tale is tragic. The first and most important point is Robin Hood didn’t steal from rich citizens in order to give the gains to poor citizens like the Obama tax plan proposes.

Robin Hood robbed from rich corrupt politicians like Prince John, who stole from the people by levying oppressive taxes. Robin Hood simply returned the bounty to its rightful owners.

The real irony is that McCain by wishing to cut taxes for everyone is the real Robin Hood. In turn, the real scoundrel is Obama. He, like the character Prince John will demand a tyrannical tax placed on the group deserving of his wrath.

So the question is – do you want to vote for McCain (Robin Hood) who will allow you to keep much more of what you earn? Or, do you want Obama (Prince John) who promises to take what he needs, then use it for his own selfish march towards socialism?

Now is the time to take a stand  – Vote McCain/Palin.

Written by Lord Crimson

November 3, 2008 at 10:11 pm