Lord Crimson

Wisdom from the Realm

Archive for the ‘Airports’ Category

Michelle Obama Hits Head Boarding Air Force One

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Alright I know this is not really news, but at times it’s fun to post certain events just because they are… fun.

Ouch! Head-shot.

Written by Lord Crimson

August 29, 2009 at 2:05 pm

Is Flying Safer?

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A recent study at Harvard School of Public Health states that they couldn’t find any proof that airport security makes flying safer.

This raises the question, “Didn’t the government promise that after their coup d’état of airport security, flying would be safer?”

We could speculate how safe flying is or isn’t, but a quick personal observation of ground operations proves that the only people that are safely making-out are the security workers that use their skills learned at the Ted Kennedy seminar on passenger groping.

Drinks are extra, and don’t go near the water.

Written by Lord Crimson

December 21, 2007 at 8:56 pm

Everyone’s A Victim

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Everyone these days trades freedom for safety if they want to fly the not-so-friendly skies. However, I’m not sure taking off a hat during a security check falls under more than a minor inconvenience, unless you happen to be a Sikh. In case you wondered the most distinctive feature of a Sikh is that they wear a turban. As I have recently discovered, there’s even a National Sikh Coalition.

Prablyit Singh, a Sikh who wears his turban as part of his religion, was stopped recently when he flew out of his home airport in Washington D.C. He objected to having his turban patted down after he had passed the metal detector, and says TSA agents gave him a hard time.

“What I had to go through was not only humiliating, but a demeaning situation to get onto this flight,” Singh says.

Singh finally agreed to the pat down, but as is required by his religion, asked it be done in private.

The National Sikh Coalition headquartered in New York believes this is racial profiling because agents seem to believe all turbans should be searched. This is hardly likely since all other passengers with hats were being searched during the security check. Under present circumstances, not to check Singh’s turban would fall more in line with special treatment and danger to other passengers than racial profiling.

The obsession with hats by the TSA comes after the national embarrassment of a monkey getting through Transportation Security Administration agents under a man’s hat and ending up on a plane departing Peru and bound for Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and then onto another plane bound for New York City on Aug. 8, officials decided to make changes in policies regarding hats.

Ok, I admit that I don’t like what airports have become. They are absolutely tyrannous and a place were the customer is never right. You pay for the privilege to be humiliated with gestapo style tactics for a trip that could end abruptly as a fireball hurtling from the sky.

If Singh would like to complain, which I think he has every right, then complain to the people that are to blame. Since hijackers are 99.9% Muslim, perhaps he should take out his personal grievances with them. CAIR probably handles hat and turban issues next to the shoe complaint section.

Written by Lord Crimson

August 30, 2007 at 4:10 pm