Lord Crimson

Wisdom from the Realm

Archive for the ‘McCain’ Category

Election 2008

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I wonder how long it will take the Obama voters to notice that his ideas of change are completely different from theirs.

Written by Lord Crimson

November 5, 2008 at 9:54 pm

Obama Is No Robin Hood

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The time has finally arrived when we will discover if our nation is to remain a Republic or will sink further into Socialism. The polls have tightened as the candidates deliver one final plea for our vote. The partisan news media continue in their quest to manipulate thought and push for the Obamanation.

This weekend, several news pundits treated us to an explanation of the Obama tax plan. Each compared it to Robin Hood’s mission to take from the rich and give to the poor. It’s clear that the lessons from the movie version or the writings of Howard Pyle were lost in politics.

The misleading spin Democrats place on this classic tale is tragic. The first and most important point is Robin Hood didn’t steal from rich citizens in order to give the gains to poor citizens like the Obama tax plan proposes.

Robin Hood robbed from rich corrupt politicians like Prince John, who stole from the people by levying oppressive taxes. Robin Hood simply returned the bounty to its rightful owners.

The real irony is that McCain by wishing to cut taxes for everyone is the real Robin Hood. In turn, the real scoundrel is Obama. He, like the character Prince John will demand a tyrannical tax placed on the group deserving of his wrath.

So the question is – do you want to vote for McCain (Robin Hood) who will allow you to keep much more of what you earn? Or, do you want Obama (Prince John) who promises to take what he needs, then use it for his own selfish march towards socialism?

Now is the time to take a stand  – Vote McCain/Palin.

Written by Lord Crimson

November 3, 2008 at 10:11 pm

World According To Obama

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In case there is any doubt, freedom and liberty will become a distant memory under an Obama presidency. The “Tyrannical Three” consisting of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid combined with the luxury of no checks and balances will grant them the power to oppress and pillage at will.

We are one election away from allowing socialist-Democrats to destroy the economic system that provides the prosperity we enjoy. Do not be deceived – Obama and his band of thieves want to replace capitalism in favor of socialism. If this happens, it will be you who is “forced” to spread your wealth among the slackers.

Oh yeah, don’t forget that this spreading of wealth will also include giving more money to the United Nations and improving the lifestyle of corrupt dictators in Africa. This is just the beginning, but you get the point.

You must have noticed that we have been losing freedoms in incremental stages for over 60 years, while government keeps growing in size and power. The time is here when years of patience is about to payoff.  One last power-play and it will all be theirs forever, short of a bloodbath in the streets.

With ACORN stuffing ballot boxes (where’s the FBI) and a partisan media sanitizing the Obamanation, this could very well be our final free election. You can bet that if the Democrats achieve total power then measures will be taken and laws will be passed that will make it virtually impossible for them to ever lose power again.

Now is the time to play your ace in the hole – Vote McCain/Palin.

Written by Lord Crimson

October 28, 2008 at 9:28 pm

McCain Knocks Obama Off Mt. Olympus

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What an extraordinary turn of events! That crafty old fox McCain has out-changed Obama by picking Palin as his VP.

For the next few months, that whining sound you hear will be the Obama supporters responding to their upcoming defeat.

Update: Now that it’s over and McCain lost expect Palin to receive most of the blame. Of course this couldn’t be further from the truth, but the Republicans need a scapegoat to divert blame for their mistake in running such a weak presidential candidate.

On the other side, the Democrats and media must finish destroying her in hopes she won’t be a viable candidate in 2012.

Written by Lord Crimson

August 30, 2008 at 2:37 pm

McCain and the Green gods

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McCain and the Green Gods

John McCain’s nose is growing decidedly greener these days as exhibited in his recent trip to Oregon. Not only did he participate in a passionate drive-by tree hugging, he promised to deal away more US sovereignty and freedom.

McCain pledged as President to play a lead role in negotiations for an agreement to cut emissions to a level the US refused to ratify as called for by the Kyoto Protocol.

“I will not accept the same dead-end of failed diplomacy that claimed Kyoto,” said McCain. “The United States will lead and will lead with a different approach — an approach that speaks to the interests and obligations of every nation.”

As you may recall, one of the main reasons for the Kyoto failure is that the mandates did not apply binding greenhouse gas targets on fast-growing China and India. McCain did not explain or justify his need to hamstring the US with such an agreement, but we can surmise that he has fallen prey to the religion of green and is trying to appease the liberal earth gods.

McCain’s stance on climate change sets him apart from a large chunk of his party’s conservative base, which remains skeptical about the science on climate change. Now Republicans must wonder and ask the question, “Why do a maverick and a green-socialist look so much alike?”

Written by Lord Crimson

May 13, 2008 at 3:08 pm

McCain Becomes Attack Dog for Obama

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It seems that no matter how I try to find reasons to support John McCain, the more he continues to make it impossible. The latest in a long line of mistakes has him attacking the NC-GOP base in support of Obama.

Recently a local ad targeting two NC ultra-liberal Democrat candidates for Governor hit the airwaves. For some reason buried in the cobwebs of the McCain mind, he felt the need to jump in and attack members of his own party. The ad informs voters that the two democrat candidates have come out in support of Obama. This is certainly nothing earthshaking and good information while in the voting booth.

The political ad also points out the creepy fanatics and America haters with whom Obama associates. It then raises the question of why are the NC democrat candidates in support a presidential candidate with such questionable comrades that clearly hate the country. If we can’t ask that question and expect an answer then we may as well turn out the lights.

McCain is in for a devastating fall if he supports the notion that any criticism of Obama or his despicable associates constitutes “racism.” He has enjoyed the easy road so far, but soon the real race will begin. I wonder how he will respond when the democrats turn their attention in his direction with the purpose of ripping him a new one.

Maybe circumstances will change but for now it’s difficult to find a reason to support McCain. I suppose that sometimes you just have to recognize things for what they are. Sometimes a lemon is just a lemon, and sometimes a politician is just a looney.

Written by Lord Crimson

April 26, 2008 at 1:45 pm

Democrat Psycho-Circus

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Democrat Psycho Circus

The leadership of the Democrat Party is always a shining light on how not to lead. In their finite wisdom, they once deemed it necessary to implement a system of super-delegates that could override the choice of the voters. This has laughably resulted in what can be termed as a Psycho-Circus. A typical result when those with a demented vision of power are in charge.

It is easy to see why the Democrats might mistakenly think this was a good idea. With two presidential prospects so patently unqualified to be anything except a burden on taxpayers, the possibility of selecting another candidate would seem more attractive. Yes, the super-delegates are free to choose anyone they like despite the elections – even a third party. A system created from the now democrat-socialist mindset where the few choose for the many.

It’s unclear at this point if the super-delegates will override the will of the people, but the door is open for future corruption. Isn’t it amazing how corruption is accepted when it’s done one step at a time. A prime example of this might be the democrat party making it possible for illegal aliens to vote.

So who will be the winner?

On one side, we have Hillary Clinton claiming to be the ultimate handyman of the ages. A person ready to go from day one and qualified to fix everything! We know this is not even close to truth, but there is that Clinton psychotic reputation of lying just for the sake of lying. Her desire for complete government control is the main concern, which makes her and Obama’s positions virtually the same.

On the other side, there is Barack Hussein Obama. The candidate of change who expresses his goal of changing the US into the very socialist society we spent half a century trying to defeat. Obama is a student of Marx and his short voting record backs up this vision. He wishes to impose the miserable existence of socialism on a trusting people who have forgotten what life is without freedom. He fully intends to destroy capitalism by allowing government to take away more and more from private business and citizens. It’s bad enough now, but under his vision everyone must depend on government for everything. His motives are many, but I expect the need for payback on a country and people he was taught to hate says it all.

The one beacon of sanity in all of this is that John McCain can defeat either of these Psycho-Circus candidates. He is not the perfect choice, but far better than the creeping virus of socialism and devastation we can expect from the alternative.

Written by Lord Crimson

April 24, 2008 at 4:04 pm

Dingell Proposes Gas Tax Increase

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John Dingell

What’s the old saying, how can you tell when a politician is lying… it’s when their lips move. Well our latest example from Michigan proves this more accurate than we would like to admit.

With gas prices at record levels, John Dingell D-Mich has decided to play the green card. It seems that he wants to place an extra 50-cent tax on every gallon of gas in an effort to force less consumption. I did mention that gas prices were already at record levels.

Perhaps the real reason for this desired increase is the high gas prices have already forced consumption to decrease. The decrease in consumption equates to a decrease in tax revenue. So, could it be that John Dingell D-Mich is using the “green excuse” in an effort to make up for this loss of revenue. I think so.

It’s really a vicious cycle. They increase the gas tax, you buy less gas and then they increase the gas tax. We won’t even get into loss of sales and tax revenue in other areas because of increased taxes on gas. Okay, some politicians aren’t exactly known for understanding how things like the economy work. I suppose it’s a good thing that people who can’t do anything else can become politicians.

How can I say this? John Dingell is lying and is proposing a tax increase under the guise of saving the planet when the real goal is to make up the tax revenue they are losing because of already decreased gas consumption. Yeah, that’ll do.

While Dingell’s idea will likely lie dormant until after the 2008 election, the idea of carbon taxes is not. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain all support some type of system that either directly or indirectly will raise prices to penalize polluters.

Don’t you just love politicians – but it’s for the planet – yeah right!

Written by Lord Crimson

March 20, 2008 at 8:57 pm

John McCain – When Lovers Part

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McCain Betrayed by NYT

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, a female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices and accompanying him on a client’s corporate jet. The New York Times doesn’t actually say anything was going on, but waited eight years to imply as much on page one in hope that the public’s imagination would take it from there. Is the New York Times engaging in smear politics or journalism? Since the NYT no longer does journalism, we can make a good guess.

Most of John McCain’s career has consisted of what can only be termed, dancing with the devil. He brags constantly about being able to cross the aisle to make friends in order to get things done for the American people. In reality, all he has accomplished is compromise his principles for the sake of being popular. For this, it appears that the devil has finally come to collect in the form of the New York Times.

Now that McCain has tasted betrayal, it’s possible he will walk away a much wiser man. He has witnessed the same New York Times that endorsed his candidacy a few short months ago stab a knife of treachery deep into his back. He must realize that he is not the maverick often touted by the now tabloid rag, but was only played the fool in a much more treasonous scheme.

John McCain, 71, and the lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, 40, both say they never had a romantic relationship.

Written by Lord Crimson

February 21, 2008 at 10:52 pm

Huckabee Continues Forward

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McCain and Huckabee

The so-called conventional wisdom of the country club elites is creating another fine mess for the republican party. In typical good old boy zeal to coronate John McCain they are suggesting that Mike Huckabee drop out of the race fearing his presence could hinder the party’s ability to unify behind the front-runner. Yeah, right. The only people I can detect asking for a Huckabee pullout is McCain backers.

“With Romney out of the race, Huckabee became a repository for the anti-McCain vote. I think for conservatives, it doesn’t hurt for a while here to make sure Senator McCain and his folks understand that the fissures that conservatives have with Senator McCain didn’t happen overnight, and are not going to be resolved overnight,” said Greg Mueller, a conservative Republican consultant. “One of the reasons Huckabee is staying in is to give a voice to conservatives so that we are a very strong presence going into the convention.”

Against overwhelming odds, Mike Huckabee continues to move forward while brushing off calls to drop his presidential bid. It’s easy to appreciate this because at least it gives republican voters a choice. Much better than falling into lock step because it’s somehow good for the party.

Written by Lord Crimson

February 12, 2008 at 8:22 pm